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Retrieving Weather Forecasts 🌤️

The endpoint for retrieving weather forecasts is:

This endpoint requires the following parameters:

Parameter Description Type
latitude Optional. WGS84 coordinates in the north-south direction (e.g., Google Maps coordinates). float
longitude Optional. WGS84 coordinates in the east-west direction (e.g., Google Maps coordinates). float
zip_code Optional. Postal code within Germany. The geographic center of the respective postal code area will be used as the reference point for data retrieval. Example: 86153 string
city_name Optional. City or location names in English. Ensure correct spelling for successful geolocation. Examples: Munich, Augsburg, Berlin, London, Paris. string
response_format The output format. Options are html, csv, json. CSV and JSON follow standard pandas DataFrame formats. string

Optional: Selecting the Weather Forecast Model

Parameter Description Type
weather_model Specifies which weather forecast model to use. Options are: icon_d2, icon_eu, icon, icon_global, harmonie_knmi, mos_mix. Default value: mos_mix. string

The icon model is a combination of the high-resolution forecast model icon_d2 (forecast horizon: 48 hours) and the broader icon_eu model (forecast horizon: 120 hours).

  • The first 48 hours are provided by icon_d2.
  • For the remaining 72 hours, the icon_eu model is used, ensuring a seamless forecast period of up to 120 hours.

Time Aggregated Forecasts

For presenting forecasts on a daily basis or at other intervals, another endpoint is available:

This endpoint requires an additional parameter:

Parameter Description Type
freq Specifies the frequency (interval) of the forecast. string
- For daily forecasts: 1D
- For 3-hour forecasts: 3H

Example Request:

Explanation of weather_synop_code

We have translated the synoptic coding weather_synop_code, which represents the current weather condition, into more comprehensible terms. The return value of weather_synop_code_icons corresponds to weather icons, which you can find here.

These are based on the weather_synop_code from the WMO (World Meteorological Organization). You can find a detailed mapping of the significant weather codes here.

Behavior of the API according to your location specification

For requests, the API determines the nearest location (mos_mix) or the closest grid point (for other models) based on the provided coordinates. All available data for the selected model is always returned.

Example Request:

Example html response Plot

Weather Forecast