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Accessing Forecasts with the alitiq Load API

The alitiq Load API provides robust and flexible forecasting capabilities for individual timeseries and entire portfolios. This guide walks you through retrieving forecasts and explains the parameters that allow you to tailor the output to your specific needs.

Features 🌟

  • Flexibility in Forecasting: Customize forecasts using parameters such as time zone, interval, and power measurement.
  • Asset-Level Forecasting: Retrieve precise forecasts for individual Load timeseries.
  • Time-Specific Forecasts: Fetch forecasts calculated at specific times (dt_calc) for advanced planning.
  • Easy Access & Integration: By using your own location identifier it is easy to access the right forecasts and integrate it into your system

Forecasting for a Single Load timeseries

To access a forecast for a specific Solar PV system, use the forecast endpoint from the API or the get_forecast method from the SDK.


import requests

url = ""

querystring = {"location_id":"123","response_format":"html","weather_model":"icon_eu","timezone":"UTC","power_measure":"kW","interval_in_minutes":"15"}

payload = ""
headers = {"x-api-key": "your-api-key"}

response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring)

from datetime import datetime
from alitiq import alitiqLoadAPI

# Initialize the Solar API client
load_api = alitiqLoadAPI(api_key="your-api-key")

# Retrieve forecast for a specific Solar PV system
forecast = load_api.get_forecast(
    location_id="99",  # Replace with your system's location ID
    dt_calc=datetime(2024, 6, 15, 12),  # Optional: specify the calculation timestamp
    power_measure="kW",  # Specify the power measurement unit
    timezone="UTC",  # Set the timezone
    interval_in_minutes=15,  # Set the forecast interval
    window_boundary="end"  # Define how intervals are calculated

# Display the forecast
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'x-api-key: your-api-key'

Understanding Forecast Parameters

The following parameters offer you flexibility when generating forecasts:

Parameter Description Default Value
location_id Unique identifier for the Solar PV system. Required for system-level forecasts. This is your defined identifer. None
dt_calc Timestamp for forecast calculation. Useful for time-specific forecasts, and access historic ones. Latest available
power_measure Unit of power measurement (kW, MW, etc.). "kW"
timezone Timezone for the forecast data. "UTC"
interval_in_minutes Forecast interval (e.g., 15 for 15-minute intervals). Important for retieviing Energy instead of Power 15
window_boundary Defines interval boundaries (begin, center, or end). "end"

Flexibility as a Feature

The flexibility to define parameters ensures that the API adapts to various use cases, whether you need:

  • Forecasts for specific systems.
  • Customized intervals and time zones.
  • Tailored outputs based on specific power measurement units.

This adaptability makes the alitiq Solar API a powerful tool for energy planning and decision-making.


For further assistance, contact 🌞