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Getting Started with alitiq APIs 🌟

Welcome to alitiq’s Forecasting Services, where innovation meets precision in solar PV and load forecasting (wind is coming soon ;). This guide provides an overview of alitiq’s APIs and a step-by-step approach to get started. Whether you're managing solar installations or planning for energy demand, alitiq offers robust solutions tailored to your needs.

Overview of alitiq APIs πŸ› οΈ

alitiq offers two main services through its APIs:

1. Solar PV Forecasting API 🌞

Designed for managing and forecasting solar power plants, this API provides:

  • Portfolio Management: Add, update, or remove PV systems.
  • Power Forecasting: Retrieve accurate solar power forecasts for individual locations or entire portfolios.
  • Measurement Management: Push real-time or historical data for more precise forecasting.

The endpoint for this service is

2. Load Forecasting aka engine API πŸ”‹

Optimized for heat, gas, and electricity forecasting, this API enables:

  • Energy Load Predictions: Obtain detailed forecasts for individual locations.
  • Measurement Inspection: Retrieve historical data for analysis.
  • Custom Models: Leverage alitiq’s optimized forecasting models for enhanced accuracy.

The endpoint for this service is

3. Weather Forecasting API 🌀️

Weather is our profession but not our business. Eitherways weather data is a basis for our enhanced forecasts. So we make available any kind of weather information via out Weather API.

  • Weather Forecast: Obtain weather forecasts for individual locations from several leading national weather services.
  • Weather Observations: Access a global network of weather observations.

The endpoint for this service is

How to Get Access πŸ”‘

Solar PV Forecasting API 🌞

  • Step 1: Register your account at Solar-APP.
  • Step 2: Once registered, you’ll receive your API key and relevant details.
  • Step 3: Use the SDK or directly interact with the API to manage your solar portfolio.

Load Forecasting API πŸ”‹

  • Step 1: Contact for API access and pricing information.
  • Step 2: Once approved, you’ll receive your API key and documentation tailored to your energy needs.
  • Step 3: Use the SDK or API to push measurements, retrieve forecasts, and manage demand analytics.

Weather API 🌀️

  • Step 1: Contact for API access and pricing information.
  • Step 2: Once approved, you’ll receive your API key and documentation tailored to your needs.
  • Step 3: Use the API to interact directly with the API. SDK support is coming soon.

Security with x-api-key πŸ”’

The alitiq Solar API uses the x-api-key for authentication and portfolio mapping. This key is unique to each user and is required to access the API. It ensures that:

  1. Portfolio Mapping: The x-api-key links your requests to the correct portfolio, ensuring you access only your Solar PV systems and associated data.
  2. Restricted Access: Only users with the correct x-api-key can access your portfolio.

Keep Your x-api-key Safe

To maintain the security and confidentiality of your portfolio:
- Do not share your API key with unauthorized individuals.
- Store it securely, such as in environment variables or a secure credentials manager.
- Regenerate your API key immediately if you suspect it has been compromised.

Your x-api-key is the gateway to your portfolioβ€”keep it protected to ensure your data stays safe.

What’s Next? πŸš€

Once you have your API key:
1. Install the alitiq-py SDK:

pip install alitiq
2. Follow the Quickstart Guide to set up your first integration.
3. Explore the API Documentation (coming soon) for advanced use cases.

Need Help? πŸ€”

For further assistance:
- Contact us at for technical queries.
- Reach out to for load forecast-related inquiries.

🌟 Start forecasting smarter with alitiq today! 🌟